How We Work
Trusted | Responsive | Thorough

Proactive Planning. Secure Outlook.

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The Grand Wealth Management Process™

Our top priority is to learn what is important to you and help you make the best use of your available resources. We will meet regularly with you to review your progress and help you make good decisions about investments, retirement, tax, estate, charitable, and other planning needs. You can learn more about the series of meetings in the Grand Wealth Management Process below.

Introductory Phase


The Discovery Meeting

Gathering information about your values, goals, and finances.

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The Wealth Management Plan Meeting

Presenting our recommendations to help you achieve your goals.

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The Mutual Decision Meeting

Making the decision to work together and getting started.

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The 45-Day Follow-Up Meeting

Finalizing details and accessing your client portal.

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First Regular Progress Meeting

Addressing initial goals and immediate financial planning items.

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Second Regular Progress Meeting

Reviewing baseline retirement plan and assessing taxes.

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First Year of Relationship


Three-Year Planning Cycle

A plan is successful when it is effectively implemented, monitored, and modified as needed over time. Our unique approach provides a systematic structure that works to ensure we meet our clients' needs at every stage. After working to establish a trusting partnership and initial planning, we regularly meet throughout the first year. Then our repeating three-year planning cycle regularly addresses both foundational topics and underlying goals.

The three-year planning cycle focuses on updates relating to one of our annual topics (lifestyle goals, legacy planning, and financial security). We also do a deep dive into the underlying topics (i.e., investment approach and charitable giving) during each semi-annual regular progress meeting.

We also recognize that it is vital to meet our clients where they are. As circumstances arise, we remain available to our clients in between semi-annual meetings to help them navigate life's continual changes.

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Jeff Williams
Managing Principal, Grand Wealth Management

Jeff Williams
Managing Principal, Grand Wealth Management

Calvin Wiersma
Financial Advisor

Investment Principles

While each client’s portfolio and goals are different and require different strategies, there are fundamental, evidenced-based principles that inform our overall wealth management perspective. Adhering to these principles ensures that our management is objective, not based on emotions, and that our clients’ probability of success is maximized.

Markets are highly efficient.

Security prices reflect the most current information available.

Risk and return are related.

Exposure to meaningful risk factors determines expected return.

Diversification is essential.

Diversification reduces uncertainty and lowers the risk of having “all your eggs in one basket."

Structure determines performance.

Asset allocation along size, value, and market exposure dimensions primarily determine the results of a broadly diversified portfolio.

Costs and taxes matter.

A fundamental truth of business: every expense reduces net return.

Investing can be more.

Environmental, social, and corporate governance-minded investing can align goals, finances, and values.